Miguel Makes Room For Families In Need!


In support of Make Room, a group raising awareness for families difficulties paying rent while making low wages, Miguel performed a mini-concert in the home of a Detroit family in order to help bring light to the troubling issue.

Miguel performed “Coffee” “What’s Normal Anyway” and “Adorn” during the set, which consisted of an audience of about 35 people. He opened the set informing the audience that he grew up in a single-parent home that struggled to pay rent. “It’s really cool to be able to, hopefully, let you know that people are paying attention [to the issue],” he said.

Rolling Stone talked to the woman, Devona Rollins, whose house was used as the stage. “Miguel connected with us, sharing his personal story about growing up with a single mom facing financial struggles, and showed me that we are not alone,” Rollins said.

Props to rollingstone.com 2dopeboyz.com




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